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First Year

In First Year, there are five majors such as Building Technology(BT), Electronics Technology (EcT), Electrical Technology (ET), Auto Mechanics Technology(AMT) and Machining Technology (MT).
Firstly, students must pass GTHS entrance exam to attend first year. Students can choose one major among five majors and all student must study five minor subjects. And they will study 70% practical and 30% course work. In course work period, they must complete assignment, tutorial, job task. After course work exam, students must complete on job training period. All subjects for each major show in tab figure.

Subjects for each major

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Academic schedule for first year students(2019-2020 academic year)

Successful Students List for each Academic Year (First Year)

Academic Year
2010-2011 26 6 2 21 4 4 63
2011-2012 10 4 5 2 21
2012-2013 30 16 15 61
2013-2014 14 6 5 14 6 45
2014-2015 20 7 9 7 8 51
2015-2016 17 15 16 21 17 86
2016-2017 27 24 30 18 17 126
2017-2018 30 23 22 19 24 118
2018-2019 21 26 26 28 15 117
2019-2020 25 24 25 25 22 121